material used: canvas / depicts: smile / movement: neoclassicism

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6 artworks found

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instance of: painting (6)

owned by: France (3) | Marie Françoise Rivière (2) | Institut de France (1) | Henri d'Orleans, Duke of Aumale (1) | Frédéric Reiset (1) | Antonia Duvauçey de Nittis (1)

genre: portrait (5) | nude (1) | mythological painting (1) | full-frontal portrait (1)

artist: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (4) | Jacques-Louis David (1) | Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller (1)

collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (3) | private collection (1) | Nationalmuseum (1) | Condé Museum (1)

location: Room 702 (3) | Nationalmuseum (1) | Condé Museum (1)

exhibition history: Salon of 1806 (2) | Salon of 1833 (1) | Salon of 1795 (1)

location of final assembly: Rome (1)

Portrait of Émilie Sériziat and Her Son

by Jacques-Louis David (1795)
Émilie Sériziat 1795–1820 clothing woman sitting dress bouquet hat chestnut hair smile boy blond

Danaë and the Shower of Gold

by Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller (1787)
Danaë woman nudity Cupid Eros putto quiver bird's wing bedroom bed drapery bed sheet blanket pillow lying chestnut hair long hair vespaio pearl eyebrow rosacea smile armpit breast areola nipple umbilicus hip toe Zeus Jupiter rain shower of gold

Mademoiselle Caroline Rivière

by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1806)
Caroline Rivière woman standing 1795–1820 clothing girl brown hair dress boa earring glove watercourse village broad-leaved tree sky part smile eyebrow dark brown

Portrait of Madame Devaucay

by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1807)
1795–1820 clothing woman sitting dress hand fan ring bracelet shawl Antonia Duvauçey de Nittis smile necklace brown hair fauteuil chignon part décolletage bijou

Baronne de Rothschild

by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1848)
Betty de Rothschild, Baronne James de Rothschild woman sitting toque feather long hair brown hair pearl necklace eyebrow smile pearl décolletage ring bracelet hand fan evening dress 1840s clothing wall lace cushion drapery couch party coat of arms pom-pom ribbon knot

Portrait of Philibert Rivière

by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1805)
Philibert Rivière man sitting Hand-in-waistcoat fauteuil stocking breeches frock coat vest dress shirt necktie black hair smile ring table book study wall 1795–1820 clothing