collection: Museo del Prado / material used: canvas / depicts: earring / commissioned by: Philip IV of Spain

Current filter – collection: Museo del Prado [remove filter] material used: canvas [remove filter] depicts: earring [remove filter] commissioned by: Philip IV of Spain [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

genre: mythological painting (1)

based on: Milky Way (1)

artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1)

fabrication method: oil painting (1)

The Origin of the Milky Way

by Peter Paul Rubens (1637s)
Milky Way Juno Hera human breast milk Heracles Hercules Zeus Jupiter peacock breastfeeding overweight nudity veil halo earring necklace bracelet breast nipple umbilicus lactation lightning eagle chariot sky star pearl blond beard peacock