collection: Museo del Prado / instance of: painting / genre: mythological painting / depicts: blond

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5 artworks found

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commissioned by: Philip II of Spain (1) | Philip IV of Spain (1)

movement: Venetian school (2) | mannerism (1)

based on: Metamorphoses (1) | Milky Way (1)

artist: Peter Paul Rubens (2) | Titian (2) | Paolo Veronese (1)

part of the series: Danaë (1)

material used: oil paint (5) | canvas (4)

country of origin: Italy (2)

fabrication method: oil painting (1)

The Origin of the Milky Way

by Peter Paul Rubens (1637s)
Milky Way Juno Hera human breast milk Heracles Hercules Zeus Jupiter peacock breastfeeding overweight nudity veil halo earring necklace bracelet breast nipple umbilicus lactation lightning eagle chariot sky star pearl blond beard peacock

Venus and Adonis

by Paolo Veronese (1580)
Venus Adonis Eros dog landscape sleep clothed male, naked female Aphrodite woman sky cloud sitting lying standing rural area tunic sandal hunting dog blond brown hair bracelet pearl necklace earring chignon Cupid couple man

The Three Graces

by Peter Paul Rubens (1639)
Charites woman nudity vespaio contrapposto standing long hair blond chestnut hair brown hair chignon garland flower rural area fountain broad-leaved tree Huequitos para Andrea sky pearl earring Apis mellifera umbilicus steatopygia glabrousness buttocks intergluteal cleft Gluteal sulcus mons pubis


by Titian (1553)
Danaë nudity umbilicus lying sitting blond long hair earring bracelet bed pillow dog elderly dress apron coif drapery sky cloud armpit woman

Venus and Music

by Titian (1547)
Victor Venus Aphrodite woman half reclining bed blond necklace bracelet earring dog drapery man Jordi Raventós sitting sword handlebar moustache brown hair music positive organ organist garden fountain tree sky cloud statue overweight gaze profil perdu umbilicus glabrousness organ pipe