collection: National Gallery / material used: color

Current filter – collection: National Gallery [remove filter] material used: color [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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instance of: painting (4) | polyptych (1) | altarpiece (1) | painting series (1)

movement: Italian Renaissance (1)

genre: genre art (1) | religious painting (1) | religious art (1)

artist: Masaccio (1) | Eugène Boudin (1) | Francesco Guardi (1) | Gerard ter Borch (1) | Ugolino di Nerio (1)

depicts: dog (1) | man (1) | letter (1) | soldier (1)

location: Pisa (1)

part of: Santa Croce Altarpiece (1)

Pisa Polyptych

polyptych / altarpiece / painting series
by Masaccio (1426)


by Ugolino di Nerio (14th century)

View of the Venetian Lagoon with the Tower of Malghera

by Francesco Guardi (1770s)

Beach Scene, Trouville

by Eugène Boudin (1870s)

An Officer dictating a Letter

by Gerard ter Borch (1655s)
soldier letter dog man