fabrication method: chiaroscuro / movement: Baroque / depicts: Jesus Christ

Current filter – fabrication method: chiaroscuro [remove filter] movement: Baroque [remove filter] depicts: Jesus Christ [remove filter]

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8 artworks found

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instance of: painting (8)

commissioned by: Ciriaco Mattei (1)

owned by: British royal family (1)

genre: religious art (8) | half-length portrait (1)

based on: Calling of the disciples (1) | Matthew 4 (1)

artist: Caravaggio (8)

material used: oil paint (8) | canvas (1)

collection: Kunsthistorisches Museum (1) | National Gallery (1) | Hampton Court Palace (1) | Sanssouci Picture Gallery (1) | Royal Collection (1) | Regional museum of Messina (1) | Palazzo Bianco (1) | Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen (1) | Palazzo degli Alberti (1)

location: Kunsthistorisches Museum (1) | Sanssouci (1) | National Gallery (1) | Hampton Court Palace (1) | Regional museum of Messina (1) | Palazzo Bianco (1) | Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen (1) | Palazzo degli Alberti (1)

exhibition history: Corps et Ombres (2)

main subject: Crowning with Thorns (2) | Ecce Homo (1) | Road to Emmaus appearance (1) | Raising of Lazarus (1) | Doubting Thomas (1)

The Raising of Lazarus

by Caravaggio (1609)
Jesus Christ man

The Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew

by Caravaggio (1603)
Jesus Christ Peter Andrew vocation conversation man Calling of the disciples

The Crowning with Thorns

by Caravaggio (1602)
Jesus Christ man

The Crowning with Thorns

by Caravaggio (1604)
Jesus Christ man

Christ at the Column

by Caravaggio (1606)
Flagellation of Christ Jesus Christ man

Ecce Homo

by Caravaggio (1605)
Jesus Christ man

Supper at Emmaus

by Caravaggio (1601)
Jesus Christ man

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

by Caravaggio (1603)
Jesus Christ man Thomas the Apostle