time period: Third Intermediate Period of Egypt

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28 artworks found

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instance of: statuette (23) | archaeological artifact (19) | item of collection or exhibition (19) | bottle (2) | amulet (2) | seal (2) | vase (2) | painting (2) | stele (1) | statue (1) | Canopic Jars (1) | sculpture (1) | figurine (1) | bas-relief (1) | chalice (1)

artist: anonymous (10)

depicts: woman (7) | Sekhmet (5) | Bastet (4) | house cat (3) | Wadjet (3) | Mehit (3) | monkey (2) | hedgehog (2) | Taweret (2) | flower (1) | table (1) | boat (1) | Falco (1) | Horus (1) | Ptah (1) | Cyperus papyrus (1) | Nut (1) | Atum (1)

material used: vitreous enamel (13) | ceramic (10) | bronze (4) | faience (3) | wood (2) | gold (2) | limestone (2) | paint (2) | soapstone (2) | fossil wood (2) | silver (1) | terracotta (1) | canvas (1)

collection: Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre (24) | Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (4)

location: Room 643, display case 6 (9) | Room 643, display case 4 (6) | Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (4) | Room 317, display case 1 (4) | Room 334 (2) | Room 317, display case 2 (1) | Room 330, display case 7 (1) | Room 334, display case 11 (1) | Room 643, display case 2 (1) | Room 643, display case 8 (1)

country of origin: Ancient Egypt (18)

Cat amulet-E 10661

amulet / statuette
by anonymous (0th millennium)
house cat

Vase depicting a young woman carrying an alabastron

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact / vase
(0th millennium)
woman alabastron

Hedgehog-A 2004-0072

statuette / seal / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)

Lion goddess-E 22709

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
Bastet Wadjet Mehit Sekhmet Mehit Wadjet Bastet Sekhmet

Ra E5799

by anonymous (-1th millennium)

Stele of Lady Taperet

stele / painting / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
by anonymous (0th millennium)
woman Atum Eye of Horus Khor-akhti flower Cyperus papyrus lily Nut table

Horus-E 7703

by anonymous (0th millennium)

Woman with monkeys-E 11169

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
woman monkey

Khnum-N 3577

by anonymous (0th millennium)

Canopic jar plug as falcon head-MAHG-A 2004-0044

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact / Canopic Jars
(0th millennium)

Hedgehog-A 2004-0073

statuette / seal / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)

Tawaret-E 14231

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact / bottle
(0th millennium)

Lion goddess-AF 6958

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
deity Wadjet Mehit Wadjet Bastet Sekhmet

Statue of a woman-E 14276

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)

Blue lion goddess-AF 12842

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
Mehit Wadjet Bastet Sekhmet

Bas-relief of Shedsunefertum appearing before Phtah-E 25680

bas-relief / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(-9st century)
Ptah Shedsu-nefertum

Nenufar-shaped calice-E 11349

vase / sculpture / chalice / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
water lily

Bastet crushing her enemies-E 1579

by anonymous (0th millennium)

Khonsu-E 4109

by anonymous (0th millennium)

Fragment of a statuette of Sekhmet-E 10644

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)

Woman-headed cat-AF 6962

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
woman house cat

Fragment of a statuette of Sekhmet-N 3871

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)

Catwoman-E 11135

by anonymous (0th millennium)
house cat woman

Sokar-N 3948

by anonymous (0th millennium)
Seker boat

Funerary figurine-D 0347

statuette / figurine / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)

Woman with monkeys-E 25463

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(0th millennium)
woman monkey

Tawaret-E 14232

statuette / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact / bottle
(0th millennium)

Tutu golden amulet-E 3882

statuette / amulet
by anonymous (0th millennium)