location: National Maritime Museum / depicts: naval battle

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4 artworks found

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instance of: painting (4)

genre: marine art (3)

artist: Samuel Scott (2) | Nicholas Pocock (1) | George Chambers (1)

material used: oil paint (4) | canvas (4)

collection: Royal Museums Greenwich (4)

Action between HMS Nottingham and the Mars, 11 October 1746

by Samuel Scott (19th century)
sailing ship sea naval battle

The capture of the Resistance and Constance by HMS San Fiorenzo and Nymphe, 9 March 1797

by Nicholas Pocock
naval battle HMS St Fiorenzo HMS Nymphe French frigate RĂ©sistance

End of Knowles' action off Havana, 1 October 1748

by Samuel Scott (19th century)
naval battle sailing ship sea

The Capture of Puerto Bello, 21 November 1739

by George Chambers (1838)
naval battle sailing ship Portobelo