location: National Maritime Museum / depicts: Battle of Texel

Current filter – location: National Maritime Museum [remove filter] depicts: Battle of Texel [remove filter]

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4 artworks found

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instance of: painting (4)

genre: marine art (2)

artist: Willem van de Velde the Younger (4)

material used: oil paint (2) | canvas (2)

collection: Royal Museums Greenwich (4)

The Battle of the Texel, 11-21 August 1673

by Willem van de Velde the Younger
Battle of Texel

The 'Gouden Leeuw' at the Battle of the Texel, 21 August 1673

by Willem van de Velde the Younger (1687)
warship Battle of Texel

The Battle of the Texel, 11-21 August 1673

by Willem van de Velde the Younger
Battle of Texel

The Battle of the Texel, 11-21 August 1673

by Willem van de Velde the Younger
Battle of Texel