location: in Painting's depot of the Musée du Louvre or in temporary movement / depicts: soldier

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8 artworks found

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instance of: painting (8)

genre: religious art (4)

artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1) | Jacques-Louis David (1) | Antoine Caron (1) | Claude Vignon (1) | Félix Boisselier (1) | Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond (1) | Hans Speckaert (1) | Master of the Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist (1)

material used: oil paint (8) | canvas (7) | wood (1)

collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (8)

exhibition history: Salon of 1822 (1) | Salon of 1785 (1) | Francis I and the art of the Netherlands (1)

main subject: Adoration of the Magi (1) | conversion of Paul the Apostle (1)

Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

by Claude Vignon (1624)
domestic worker child Esther folly woman man soldier portico sceptre throne

Bélisaire demandant l'aumone

by Jacques-Louis David (1784)
Belisarius blindness child woman soldier city

Carloman blessé à mort dans la forêt d'Yvelines

by Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond (1821)
major trauma dog hill broad-leaved tree forest soldier landscape

Augustus and Sibyl of Tibur, by Antoine Caron

by Antoine Caron (1577s)
dog watercourse woman information soldier Tiburtine Sibyl temple Tivoli beatific vision

The Adoration of the Magi

by Peter Paul Rubens (1626s)
spear soldier

Conversion of St Paul on the Road to Damascus

by Hans Speckaert (16th century)
horse religious conversion cuirass Jesus Christ soldier Paul fear beatific vision

La Mort de Démosthène

by Félix Boisselier (1805)
Demosthenes poisoning soldier Poseidon temple

Martyrdom of St John the Evangelist

by Master of the Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist (1525)
man John the Apostle soldier Rome