location: Lisbon / collection: National Museum of Ancient Art / country of origin: Portugal

Current filter – location: Lisbon [remove filter] collection: National Museum of Ancient Art [remove filter] country of origin: Portugal [remove filter]

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11 artworks found

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instance of: painting (11)

genre: religious art (10) | portrait (1)

artist: Frei Carlos (5) | Nuno Gonçalves (1) | Domingos Sequeira (1) | Garcia Fernandes (1) | Cristóvão de Figueiredo (1) | António Campelo (1) | Eduardo, o Português (1)

depicts: Child Jesus (4) | Jesus Christ (3) | Virgin Mary (3) | angel (3) | book (1) | Matthew the Apostle (1) | Anthony of Padua (1) | stigmata (1) | stations of the cross (1) | John the Evangelist (1) | Passion (1) | Francis of Assisi (1) | Theotonius (1) | lamb (1)

material used: oil paint (1) | panel (1)

main subject: Ecce Homo (1)

Portrait of Domingos and Mariana Benedita Vitória de Sequeira

by Domingos Sequeira (1816)

São Mateus e São João Evangelista

by Garcia Fernandes (1520)
John the Evangelist Matthew the Apostle angel

São Francisco recebe os Estigmas

by Frei Carlos (1520s)
Francis of Assisi stigmata

A Virgem Maria e o Menino Jesus e dois Anjos

by Frei Carlos (1520s)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus angel

São Teotónio (Nuno Gonçalves)

by Nuno Gonçalves (1470)

Ecce Homo

by Cristóvão de Figueiredo (1520)
Jesus Christ Passion

Cristo com Cruz às Costas

by António Campelo (1570)
Jesus Christ stations of the cross

A Virgem do Leite

by Frei Carlos (1520s)
Child Jesus Virgin Mary

Santo António com o Menino Jesus

by Frei Carlos (1520s)
Child Jesus Anthony of Padua book

A Virgem Maria, o Menino Jesus e um Anjo

by Eduardo, o Português (1501)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus angel

O Bom Pastor

by Frei Carlos (1520s)
Jesus Christ lamb