location: Galerie nationale du Jeu de paume / depicts: Paris

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

owned by: France (3) | Étienne Moreau-Nélaton (1) | Gustave Caillebotte (1) | Paul Gachet (1) | Paul-Louis Gachet (1)

movement: Impressionism (2) | event (1)

genre: landscape art (2) | cityscape (2) | genre art (1)

artist: Alfred Sisley (2) | Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1)

material used: oil paint (3) | canvas (3)

collection: Musée d'Orsay (3) | Department of Paintings of the Louvre (3)

country of origin: France (1)

exhibition history: 3rd impressionist exhibition (1) | Renoir (1) | Salon of 1870 (1)

Vue du canal Saint-Martin

by Alfred Sisley (1870)
Canal Saint-Martin contre-jour broad-leaved tree multi-storey urban building barge sky cloud pier Paris tree canal house landscape péniche mirror image

Le Canal Saint-Martin

by Alfred Sisley (1872)
Canal Saint-Martin house vertical-lift bridge shore sky cloud specular reflection Paris canal landscape bridge

Bal du moulin de la Galette

by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1876)
Le Moulin de la Galette dance Sunday afternoon crowd sitting chair ball closed position partner dance man woman couple dress hat blond red hair earring choker pendant straw hat long hair smile girl boater beard jacket vest necktie dress shirt trousers bench bowler hat top hat tree streetlight standing shadow bar table cup carafe drink Paris folk dance broad-leaved tree windmill