location: Statens Museum for Kunst / country of origin: Italy / depicts: angel

Current filter – location: Statens Museum for Kunst [remove filter] country of origin: Italy [remove filter] depicts: angel [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

genre: religious art (3)

artist: Francesco Albani (2) | Francesco Solimena (1)

material used: oil paint (3) | canvas (3)

main subject: rest on the flight into Egypt (2) | Annunciation (1)

The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

by Francesco Albani (2nd millennium)
Virgin Mary Joseph Child Jesus angel rest on the flight into Egypt

The Annunciation

by Francesco Solimena (2nd millennium)
Virgin Mary angel Columbidae

The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

by Francesco Albani (2nd millennium)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus Joseph angel