instance of: polychrome sculpture

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48 artworks found

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owned by: Henri James Simon (1)

movement: Gothic sculpture (26) | medieval art (15) | Renaissance sculpture (5) | Art of ancient Egypt (1)

genre: religious sculpture (44) | portrait (1) | herma (1) | funerary art (1) | religious painting (1) | religious art (1) | None (1) | full-length portrait (1)

artist: anonymous (38) | Jacob Beinhart (2) | Peter Parler (1) | Antonio Rossellino (1) | Hans Multscher (1) | Colijn de Coter (1) | Hans Olmützer (1) | Mikołaj Obilman (1) | Albrecht Glim (1)

depicts: Virgin Mary (26) | Jesus Christ (13) | Child Jesus (12) | woman (4) | saint (4) | Mary Magdalena (4) | Catherine of Alexandria (3) | book (2) | John the Baptist (2) | apostle (2) | angel (2) | lion (1) | Paul (1) | Lawrence of Rome (1) | head (1) | Peter (1) | Trinity (1) | James (1)

material used: wood (20) | gold leaf (19) | lime (11) | panel (6) | tempera (5) | sandstone (3) | alabaster (3) | gold (1) | limestone (1) | stucco (1) | maiolica (1) | fir wood (1) | beech wood (1) | spruce (1)

collection: National Museum in Warsaw (45) | Bode Museum (1) | Belarusian National Arts Museum (1) | Old Belarusian History Museum (1)

location: National Museum in Warsaw (3) | museum's storage space (3) | Bode Museum (1)

country of origin: England (3) | Silesia (2) | Germany (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (9) | Crucifixion in the arts (3) | Man of Sorrows (1) | Pietà (1) | Throne of Mercy (1) | Our Lady of Sorrows (1) | ritual foot washing in Christianity (1) | lamentation of Christ (1) | Annunciation in Christian art (1)

fabrication method: polychromy (43) | relief sculpture (5)

time period: Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1)

Tron Łaski

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (15th century)
Jesus Christ angel

Madonna z Dzieciątkiem

polychrome sculpture
by Antonio Rossellino (1461s)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Nieokreślona święta, figura z szafy nastawy ołtarzowej

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1513)
saint woman

Ukrzyżowanie Dumlose

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1410)
John the Baptist Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Nieznana święta

polychrome sculpture
by Hans Multscher (15th century)
saint woman

Tryptyk z Pławna

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1512)
Stanislaus of Szczepanów

Opłakiwanie Chrystusa

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1500)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary Mary Magdalena

Święta Katarzyna Aleksandryjska

polychrome sculpture
by Jacob Beinhart (1500)
Catherine of Alexandria book


polyptych / polychrome sculpture
by Colijn de Coter (1500)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary


polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (15th century)
Jesus Christ

Matka Boska Bolesna

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1470s)
Virgin Mary

Madonna z Dzieciątkiem

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1500)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Poliptyk Boga Ojca

polychrome sculpture / painting / polyptych
by anonymous (1425)
God the Father Virgin Mary Child Jesus Margaret the Virgin

Tryptyk świętych Wawrzyńca, Jana Chrzciciela i Szczepana

polychrome sculpture / triptych / winged altarpiece
by anonymous (1497)
Lawrence of Rome John the Baptist Stephen


polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (15th century)
Jesus Christ angel

Święty Jakub Starszy

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1500)
James book Shell of Saint James

Crucifixion Pentaptych.

polychrome sculpture / pentaptych
by anonymous (1500)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary John the Evangelist Mary Magdalena

Święty Mikołaj, figura z szafy nastawy ołtarzowej

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1490s)
Saint Nicholas

Скульптуры Марыі і Іаана Багаслова з Мсцібава

wooden sculpture / polychrome sculpture
(18th century)
Virgin Mary Mary Magdalena John the Apostle

Annunciation with the Trinity

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1480)
Trinity Virgin Mary Gabriel

Święta Katarzyna Aleksandryjska

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1400)
Catherine of Alexandria

Herma świętej

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1470)
saint woman

Holy Kinship

sculpture / polychrome sculpture
Holy Kinship

Tryptyk Świętych Dziewic

polychrome sculpture / triptych
by Jacob Beinhart (1505)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Іакім і Ганна

wooden sculpture / polychrome sculpture
(17th century)
Joachim Saint Anne

Piękna Madonna z Kazimierza

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1420s)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Madonna z Dzieciątkiem

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1430)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Umywanie stóp

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (15th century)
Jesus Christ apostle

Canopy polyptych

polychrome sculpture / polyptych / painting
by anonymous (1430)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Madonna z Dzieciątkiem

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1496)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Święta Maria Magdalena

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1480)
Mary Magdalena

Maria Służebnica w Świątyni

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1490s)
Virgin Mary

Antropoidalny sarkofag Nubnen

sarcophagus / polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (-14th century)

Głowa Marii ze sceny pasyjnej

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (15th century)
head Virgin Mary

Chrystus jako Mąż Boleści

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1430)
Jesus Christ

Ostatnia Wieczerza i Droga Krzyżowa

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1500)
Last Supper stations of the cross Jesus Christ

Stabat Mater

polychrome sculpture
by Hans Olmützer (1501)
Virgin Mary

Chrystus Ukrzyżowany

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (14th century)
Jesus Christ

Nieokreślona święta, figura z szafy nastawy ołtarzowej

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1513)
saint woman

Tryptyk Madonny na lwie z Łuczyny

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1370)
lion Virgin Mary Jesus Christ Catherine of Alexandria

Madonna z Dzieciątkiem

polychrome sculpture
by Peter Parler (1375s)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Święta Barbara

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (15th century)
Saint Barbara

Madonna ze świętymi Piotrem i Pawłem

polychrome sculpture
by Mikołaj Obilman (1466)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus Peter Paul

Zesłanie Ducha Świętego

polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1500)
apostle Virgin Mary


polychrome sculpture
by anonymous (1410s)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ