instance of: painting / genre: portrait / location: Kunsthistorisches Museum / artist: Hans Holbein

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] genre: portrait [remove filter] location: Kunsthistorisches Museum [remove filter] artist: Hans Holbein [remove filter]

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6 artworks found

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depicts: Jane Seymour (1) | Susannah Hornebolt (1) | John Chambre (1)

material used: oil paint (2) | panel (2)

main subject: Jane Seymour (1) | Susannah Hornebolt (1) | John Chambre (1)

Dr. John Chambers, Leibarzt König Heinrichs VIII. (1470-1549)

by Hans Holbein (1543)
John Chambre

Portrait of an English lady

by Hans Holbein (1540s)

portrait of Jane Seymour

by Hans Holbein (1536s)
Jane Seymour

Portrait of a young merchant

by Hans Holbein (1541)

[no title]

by Hans Holbein (1533)

The wife of a court servants by King Henry VIII

by Hans Holbein (1534)
Susannah Hornebolt