instance of: painting / genre: cityscape / depicts: landscape / material used: oil paint / artist: Claude Monet / exhibition history: 4th impressionist exhibition

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] genre: cityscape [remove filter] depicts: landscape [remove filter] material used: oil paint [remove filter] artist: Claude Monet [remove filter] exhibition history: 4th impressionist exhibition [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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owned by: France (1) | Alfred Savoir (1) | Georges de Bellio (1) | Napoléon Alexandre Berthier (1)

movement: Impressionism (1)

collection: Musée d'Orsay (1)

location: Musée d'Orsay (1)

country of origin: France (1)

location of final assembly: Paris (1)

La Rue Montorgueil

by Claude Monet (30 June 1878)
rue Montorgueil Bastille Day rue pavoisée crowd flag of France June 30 1878 multi-storey urban building sky Nancy cloud flag party France Paris landscape street city