instance of: painting / genre: religious art / owned by: Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria / depicts: landscape

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4 artworks found

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movement: Venetian school (1) | High Renaissance (1)

artist: Titian (1) | Franciabigio (1) | Marco Basaiti (1) | Lodewijk Toeput (1)

material used: oil paint (3) | panel (1) | canvas (1)

collection: Kunsthistorisches Museum (3) | Longleat (1)

location: Kunsthistorisches Museum (3) | Longleat (1)

main subject: Holy Family (1) | rest on the flight into Egypt (1) | gathering of manna (1)

Calling of the sons of Zebedee

by Marco Basaiti (1515)
son landscape

Holy Family in a Landscape

by Franciabigio (1520)
Holy Family landscape

Israelites collecting Manna

by Lodewijk Toeput (1580)
manna Israelites landscape

Rest on the Flight into Egypt

by Titian (1512)
rest on the flight into Egypt Holy Family landscape