instance of: painting / genre: religious art / depicts: Saint Sebastian / material used: panel

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24 artworks found

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owned by: John G. Johnson (2) | Kunsthistorisches Museum (1) | Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria (1) | Birmingham Museum of Art (1) | M. Roy Fisher (1) | Galleria Silvano Lodi Jr. (1)

movement: mannerism (1) | Flemish Primitives (1) | Italian Renaissance (1) | High Renaissance (1) | Renaissance art (1)

artist: Giovanni Bellini (3) | Andrea del Sarto (1) | Antonello da Messina (1) | Andrea Mantegna (1) | Pietro Perugino (1) | Luca Signorelli (1) | Francesco Bacchiacca (1) | Cima da Conegliano (1) | Eugène Delacroix (1) | Hans Memling (1) | Anthony van Dyck (1) | Antonio del Pollaiolo (1) | Carlo Crivelli (1) | Lorenzo Costa (1) | Amico Aspertini (1) | Piero del Pollaiolo (1) | Master of the Virgo inter Virgines (1) | Davide Ghirlandaio (1)

part of the series: St. Sebastian (1)

collection: Walters Art Museum (3) | National Gallery (2) | Philadelphia Museum of Art (2) | Uffizi Gallery (2) | Kunsthistorisches Museum (1) | Pinacoteca di Brera (1) | Museo del Prado (1) | National Gallery of Art (1) | Gallerie dell'Accademia (1) | Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (1) | Brooklyn Museum (1) | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (1) | J. Paul Getty Museum (1) | Nationalmuseum (1) | Birmingham Museum of Art (1) | Galleria Palatina (1) | Los Angeles County Museum of Art (1) | Samuel H. Kress Collection (1)

location: Walters Art Museum (3) | National Gallery (2) | Philadelphia Museum of Art (2) | Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (1) | Getty Center (1) | Uffizi (1) | Kunsthistorisches Museum (1) | Pinacoteca di Brera (1) | Museo del Prado (1) | National Gallery of Art (1) | Gallerie dell'Accademia (1) | Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (1) | Brooklyn Museum (1) | Nationalmuseum (1) | Birmingham Museum of Art (1) | Galleria Palatina (1) | Los Angeles County Museum of Art (1) | Citta di Castello Communal Art Gallery (1)

country of origin: Italy (2) | Republic of Florence (1)

exhibition history: Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (1) | Perugino – Raphael’s Master (1)

main subject: martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (9) | Madonna and Child (3) | Saint Sebastian tended by Saint Irene (2) | Coronation of the Virgin (1)

location of final assembly: Italy (1)

time period: Renaissance (2)

Triptych of Saint Sebastian

by Giovanni Bellini (1464)
Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

by Andrea Mantegna (1456)
Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian and a Bishop Saint

by Master of the Virgo inter Virgines (16th century)
Saint Sebastian martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

by Cima da Conegliano (1500s)
Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian speaking to Marcus and Marcellian and Saint Sebastian and Saint Polycarp destroying Idols

by Pedro García de Benavarre (1455s)
Saint Sebastian

St. Sebastian

by Antonello da Messina (1478)
Saint Sebastian

St. Sebastian with St. Irene and Attendant

by Eugène Delacroix (1858)
Saint Sebastian Irene of Rome

Madonna and Child with Saints

by Francesco da Cotignola (1510s)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus Mary Magdalena Jerome Saint Sebastian

Holy Allegory

by Giovanni Bellini (1490s)
Saint Sebastian Job

St. Sebastian

by Antonio di Manfredo da Bologna Pirri (17th century)
Saint Sebastian

The Martyrdom of St Sebastian

by Hans Memling (1475)
Saint Sebastian

Madonna and Child with St. Peter and St. Sebastian

by Giovanni Bellini (1487)
Saint Sebastian Virgin Mary Child Jesus Peter

Saint Sebastian

by Lorenzo Costa (1490)
Saint Sebastian

Coronation of the Virgin

painting / reredos
by Carlo Crivelli (1493)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man Saint George Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian Cured by Irene

by Josse Lieferinxe (1497)
Saint Sebastian

Virgin and Child, with Saints Apollonia and Sebastian

painting / altarpiece
by Davide Ghirlandaio (1490s)
Saint Sebastian Saint Apollonia

Saint Sebastian

by Francesco Bacchiacca (1530s)
Saint Sebastian White people

Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

by Piero del Pollaiolo (1475s)
Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

by anonymous (16th century)
Saint Sebastian

Disputation on the Trinity

by Andrea del Sarto (1517)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Jesus Christ man Trinity God the Father Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine Lawrence of Rome Peter of Verona Francis of Assisi Saint Sebastian crosier religious habit arrow back cloud tonsure

Saint Sebastian

by Pietro Perugino (1490)
Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

by Amico Aspertini (1505)
Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian Tended by an Angel

by Anthony van Dyck (1630s)
Saint Sebastian

Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

by Luca Signorelli (1498)
Saint Sebastian crossbow