instance of: painting / genre: religious art / material used: panel / part of: Sèrie L'Espoli de El Greco

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6 artworks found

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owned by: National Trust (1) | Gaspar Méndez de Haro, 7th Marquis of Carpio (1) | Gwendoline Davies (1) | Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales (1) | Walter Samuel, 2nd Viscount Bearsted (1) | Baron Louis-Auguste Schwiter (1) | Catalina de Haro y Guzmán (1) | Paul Arthur Chéramy (1)

based on: The Disrobing of Christ (3)

artist: El Greco (6) | anonymous (3)

depicts: Jesus Christ (3) | crowd (3) | soldier (2)

collection: private collection (2) | Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon (1) | National Trust (1) | Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (1) | Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales (1)

location: Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon (1) | Upton House, Warwickshire (1)

main subject: Disrobing of Jesus (6)

The Disrobing of Christ. Contini Bonacossi Collection

by El Greco (1570s)
Jesus Christ

The Disrobing of Christ. Upton House version

by El Greco (1577s)
Jesus Christ

The Disrobing of Christ. Wales half painting version

by El Greco (1600s)

The Disrobing of Christ. Budapest half painting version

by anonymous (1600s)
crowd soldier

The Disrobing of Christ. Lyon half painting version

by anonymous (1583s)
crowd soldier

The Disrobing of Christ. Private collection

by El Greco (1580s)
Jesus Christ