instance of: painting / depicts: house / collection: Museu Paulista collection / material used: canvas / artist: Benedito Calixto

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] depicts: house [remove filter] collection: Museu Paulista collection [remove filter] material used: canvas [remove filter] artist: Benedito Calixto [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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genre: history painting (3) | portrait (1)

location: Museu Paulista (3)

country of origin: Brazil (3)

Rua da Quitanda, 1858

by Benedito Calixto (20th century)
Rua da Quitanda (São Paulo) street house man woman sky

Largo do Rosário em Santos, 1850

by Benedito Calixto (20th century)
Largo do Rosário Santos house street child man woman sky

Retrato de Dom Pedro I

by Benedito Calixto (1902)
church building man folk costume coat sidewalk shirt necklace button insignia medal black hair moustache Costeleta 20th century plant house portrait