instance of: painting / depicts: cloud / collection: private collection / artist: Leonardo Coccorante

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] depicts: cloud [remove filter] collection: private collection [remove filter] artist: Leonardo Coccorante [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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genre: capriccio (5)

material used: oil paint (5) | canvas (5)

A capriccio of architectural ruins with a seascape beyond

by Leonardo Coccorante (18th century)
ruins column sky cloud

Architecture with Figures

by Leonardo Coccorante (18th century)
column sky cloud man staffage arch

A capriccio of classical ruins with figures

by Leonardo Coccorante (18th century)
ruins column sky groin vault tread cloud arch man obelisk

Port of Taranto

by Leonardo Coccorante (1738)
ruins column sky cloud Taranto harbor bridge tower city walls arch sailboat staffage

An architectural capriccio with figures amongst ruins under a stormy night sky

by Leonardo Coccorante (18th century)
ruins column sky entablature cloud arch man staffage night