instance of: painting / material used: wood / movement: German Renaissance / location: Rudolfinum / collection: National Gallery in Prague

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] movement: German Renaissance [remove filter] location: Rudolfinum [remove filter] collection: National Gallery in Prague [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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owned by: Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (1) | San Bartolomeo (1)

genre: religious art (1)

artist: Albrecht Dürer (1)

depicts: Virgin Mary (1) | woman (1) | boy (1) | Albrecht Dürer (1) | pope (1) | Saint Dominic (1) | Maximilian I (1) | angel (1) | Child Jesus (1) | Confraternity of the Rosary (1) | Burkhard von Speyer (1)

location of final assembly: Venice (1)

Feast of the Rosary

altarpiece / painting
by Albrecht Dürer (1506)
Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary woman Burkhard von Speyer Albrecht Dürer Confraternity of the Rosary Saint Dominic angel pope Maximilian I