instance of: painting / material used: wood / movement: Flemish Primitives / genre: religious art / artist: Hans Memling / main subject: resurrection of Jesus

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] movement: Flemish Primitives [remove filter] genre: religious art [remove filter] artist: Hans Memling [remove filter] main subject: resurrection of Jesus [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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depicts: sleep (1) | arrow (1) | Feast of the Ascension (1) | landscape (1) | Saint Sebastian (1) | angel (1) | garland (1) | soldier (1) | path (1) | martyr (1)

collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (1)

location: Room 818 (1)

Triptych of the Resurrection

painting / triptych / reredos
by Hans Memling (1490)
resurrection of Jesus soldier sleep angel landscape path garland Saint Sebastian martyr arrow Feast of the Ascension