instance of: painting / material used: wood / genre: religious art / main subject: Ecce Homo / artist: anonymous

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] genre: religious art [remove filter] main subject: Ecce Homo [remove filter] artist: anonymous [remove filter]

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6 artworks found

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movement: Gothic art (1) | Flemish Primitives (1)

depicts: Jesus Christ (4) | man (1)

collection: National Museum in Warsaw (2) | Rijksmuseum (2) | Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (1) | Indianapolis Museum of Art (1) | Museum voor Religieuze Kunst (1)

location: Rijksmuseum (2) | National Museum in Warsaw (1) | Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (1) | Indianapolis Museum of Art (1) | museum's storage space (1)

Ecce Homo

by anonymous (1490)
Jesus Christ man

Ecce Homo

by anonymous (1480s)
Jesus Christ

Ecce Homo

by anonymous (1525)
Jesus Christ

Ecce homo

by anonymous (1520)

Ecce Homo

by anonymous (1530s)

Ecce homo

by anonymous (1510s)
Jesus Christ