instance of: painting / material used: wood / depicts: angel / collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre / movement: Flemish Primitives

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] depicts: angel [remove filter] collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre [remove filter] movement: Flemish Primitives [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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commissioned by: Nicolas Rolin (1) | Jean de Sedano (1)

genre: religious art (4) | portrait (1) | three-quarter portait (1) | full-frontal portrait (1) | full-length portrait (1)

artist: Hans Memling (2) | Gerard David (2) | Jan van Eyck (1)

location: Room 817 (2) | Room 818 (2) | in Painting's depot of the Musée du Louvre or in temporary movement (1)

part of: Cervara Polyptych (1) | Diptych of Jan du Cellier (1)

exhibition history: Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (1) | Exposition des primitifs français (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (2) | resurrection of Jesus (1) | Sacra Conversazione (1)

Eternal Father

painting / reredos
by Gerard David (1506)
musician blessing angel cloud God in Christianity

Triptych of the Resurrection

painting / triptych / reredos
by Hans Memling (1490)
resurrection of Jesus soldier sleep angel landscape path garland Saint Sebastian martyr arrow Feast of the Ascension

Triptych of the Sedano family

triptych / painting
by Gerard David (1492s)
Holy Family John the Baptist John the Apostle Adam Eve Oriental rug Jean de Sedano sitting angel lute harp family boy man kneeling woman nudity

Madonna and Child with Saints

by Hans Memling (1490)
angel Saint Barbara Catherine of Alexandria broad-leaved tree Margaret the Virgin sitting

Madonna of Chancellor Rolin

painting / ex-voto
by Jan van Eyck (1435)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus Nicolas Rolin angel crown overcoat long hair blond man woman boy sitting kneeling tile perspective column arcade window capital garden city watercourse bridge Triplet cushion globus cruciger dress prie-dieu book loggia Liège Pont des Arches St. Lambert's Cathedral Collégiale Saint-Pierre de Liège Meuse magpie peacock nudity prayer mother