instance of: painting / material used: wood / depicts: woman / artist: Carlo Crivelli / collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] depicts: woman [remove filter] artist: Carlo Crivelli [remove filter] collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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owned by: Jules Bache (1)

genre: religious art (3)

part of: 1472 Polyptych (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (2) | lamentation of Christ (1)


by Carlo Crivelli (1476)

Virgin and Child (Bache)

by Carlo Crivelli (1472)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother

Madonna and Child Enthroned

by Carlo Crivelli (1472)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother