instance of: painting / material used: wood / depicts: man / owned by: Robert Lehman

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12 artworks found

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genre: religious art (7) | portrait (2) | Christian art (2) | cityscape (1)

artist: Giovanni di Paolo (3) | anonymous (3) | Paul Signac (1) | Simone Martini (1) | Bartolomeo Bulgarini (1) | Antonio del Massaro (1) | Master of the Life of Saint John the Baptist (1) | Master of Forlì (1) | Master of the Munich Marian Panels (1)

collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art (12) | Philip Lehman (2) | Galerie Trotti (1) | H. Wendland (1)

location: Metropolitan Museum of Art (12)

country of origin: United States of America (1)

main subject: place de Clichy (1) | lamentation of Christ (1)

published in: European Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born before 1865: A Summary Catalogue (3) | The Robert Lehman Collection. Vol. 1, Italian Paintings (2) | Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (1) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Masterpiece Paintings (1) | German Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1350–1600 (1) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 5, The Renaissance in the North (1) | Fifteenth- to Eighteenth-Century European Paintings: France, Central Europe, The Netherlands, Spain, and Great Britain (1)

Saint Ambrose

by Giovanni di Paolo (15th century)
Ambrose man

The Flagellation

by Master of Forlì (15th century)
Flagellation of Christ woman man

The Exultation of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

by Giovanni di Paolo (1450)
Nicholas of Tolentino man

Saints Matthias and Thomas

by Bartolomeo Bulgarini (1350)
Thomas the Apostle Matthew the Apostle book man

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ

by anonymous (14th century)
woman man

Portrait of a Man, possibly Matteo di Sebastiano di Bernardino Gozzadini

by anonymous (1494)

The Blessed Andrea Gallerani (died 1251)

by Giovanni di Paolo (15th century)

Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Holding the Christ Child

by Antonio del Massaro (1445)
Frances of Rome woman man

Place de Clichy

by Paul Signac (1888)
place de Clichy carousel flag of France horse-drawn vehicle building man horse Monument to Maréchal Moncey

Virgin and Child with a Donor Presented by Saint Jerome

by Master of the Munich Marian Panels (1450)
Jerome Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man

Saint Ansanus

by Simone Martini (1326)

The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of the Baptist

by Master of the Life of Saint John the Baptist (1330s)
beheading of St. John the Baptist Feast of Herod man