instance of: painting / material used: wood / depicts: Child Jesus / main subject: Pietà / owned by: Dominican Order

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] depicts: Child Jesus [remove filter] main subject: Pietà [remove filter] owned by: Dominican Order [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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commissioned by: Scuola de San Vincenzo Ferrer e San Piero Martire (1)

movement: Renaissance art (1)

genre: religious art (1)

artist: Giovanni Bellini (1)

collection: Santi Giovanni e Paolo (1)

location: Santi Giovanni e Paolo (1)

exhibition history: Santi Giovanni e Paolo (1)

location of final assembly: Santi Giovanni e Paolo (1)

Altarpiece of St. Vincent Ferrer

painting / polyptych
by Giovanni Bellini (1464)
Child Jesus boy man White people Saint Christopher Vincent Ferrer Saint Sebastian woman angel Gabriel lily Virgin Mary prayer landscape martyrdom of Saint Sebastian