instance of: painting / collection: Paulista Museum Fund Collection / artist: Henrique Bernardelli

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3 artworks found

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commissioned by: Afonso d'Escragnolle Taunay (1)

genre: history painting (3)

depicts: Bandeirantes (3) | horse (1) | weapon (1) | river (1) | man (1) | tree (1) | Indigenous peoples of America (1) | jungle (1) | hammock (1) | history painting (1)

material used: oil paint (3) | canvas (2)

location: Museu Paulista (3)

country of origin: Brazil (3)

Retirada do Cabo de São Roque

by Henrique Bernardelli (1927)
Indigenous peoples of America Bandeirantes history painting weapon river horse

Últimos Momentos de um Bandeirante

by Henrique Bernardelli (1932)
Bandeirantes hammock man

Bandeirantes na selva

by Henrique Bernardelli (20th century)
Bandeirantes tree jungle