instance of: painting / collection: Paulista Museum Fund Collection

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173 artworks found

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commissioned by: Afonso d'Escragnolle Taunay (4) | Joaquim Inácio Ramalho (1)

movement: Brazilian academic art (1) | Brazilian nationalism (1)

genre: history painting (128) | portrait (102) | nude (1) | landscape art (1) | religious art (1)

based on: A partida da Expedição Langsdorff, no Rio Tietê (1)

artist: Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (38) | José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior (14) | Oscar Pereira da Silva (11) | Benedito Calixto (8) | Henrique Manzo (7) | François-Auguste Biard (4) | Karl Ernest Papf (4) | Henrique Bernardelli (3) | Campos Ayres (3) | Miguelzinho Dutra (3) | Alfredo Norfini (3) | Carlo De Servi (3) | José Canella Filho (3) | Monteiro França (3) | André Figurey (3) | Antônio Parreiras (2) | Bernhard Wiegandt (2) | Décio Villares (2)

depicts: portrait (104) | man (96) | white hair (35) | shirt (32) | folk costume (32) | hat (31) | coat (30) | black hair (27) | woman (26) | moustache (25) | house (24) | landscape (24) | costume accessory (23) | plant (21) | tree (21) | necktie (21) | portrait at bust length (19) | negro (19)

material used: oil paint (166) | canvas (80) | wood (16) | plywood (11) | watercolor paint (7) | cardboard (5) | metal (4) | canvas (3) | board (3) | hemp fiber (2) | copper (1) | Linum usitatissimum (1) | gouache paint (1) | Eucatex (1) | cotton (1)

location: Museu Paulista (173) | Academy of Fine Arts, Florence (1)

country of origin: Brazil (172)

exhibition history: Rio Art Museum (1)

main subject: Veridiana da Silva Prado (1) | Independence of Brazil (1) | Francisco de Paula Camargo (1)

location of final assembly: Florence (1)

fabrication method: oil painting (1)

Retrato de Gertrudes A. Barros (Baronesa de Piracicaba)

by J. Stewart (1873)
portrait woman old age left folk costume dress coat necklace ruffle White Brazilian dark brown hair prisoner

Retrato de Joaquim Bonifácio do Amaral (Visconde de Indaiatuba)

by François-Auguste Biard (20th century)
necktie man portrait at bust length white hair Costeleta beard coat vest shirt portrait


by Agostinho José da Mota (21st century)
desert man folk costume Arabs costume accessory handkerchief turban pleasure riding horse

Retrato do Dr. Martinho Prado

by Jules Ballá (1888)
column man old age moustache beard sidewalk tailcoat Martinho Prado Júnior portrait

Ciclo dos Criadores de Gado

by João Batista da Costa (1925)
landscape man slavery folk costume sidewalk shirt costume accessory boot hat horse cattle

Capitão do Imuti (Javae) Ilha do Bananal

by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (20th century)
pipe portrait indigenous people

Convento e Várzea do Carmo, 1870

by Graciliano Vicente Xavier (20th century)
Várzea do Carmo convent house hill cattle plantation road flag

Negro com Flores

by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (20th century)
man negro flower portrait

Fazenda em Campinas, 1840

by Henrique Manzo (21st century)
tree coffea bullock cart house fence engenho farm mode of transport landscape plant

Homem com Boina Vermelha

by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (20th century)
man beret white hair portrait

Pindamonhangaba, 1827

by José Canella Filho (20th century)
horse landscape house chapel plant tree man folk costume sidewalk shirt helmet costume accessory hat

Retrato de D. Sebastião Leme da Silveira Cintra

by Décio Villares (20th century)
chair man bishop black hair beret crucifix eyeglasses portrait

Ponte do Carmo, 1870

by Juarez Silveira (1921)

Fazenda em Campinas, 1840

by Henrique Manzo (21st century)
tree coffea street house building landscape plantation river plant

Retrato do Brigadeiro Bernardo José Pinto Peixoto

(20th century)
portrait man White Brazilian black hair sideburns military uniform glove hat Order of Christ

Rua Direita e Igreja de Santo Antonio, 1860

by Pedro Galbiati (1920)
20th century house lamp church building man woman group of humans folk costume suit dress costume accessory hat

Retrato de Campos Sales

by Jonas de Barros (13 February 1897)
portrait man White Brazilian moustache goatee white hair morning coat shirt necktie curtain table door

Retrato do Dr. Bernardino de Campos

by Carlo De Servi (20th century)
chair man folk costume sidewalk shirt coat white hair furniture portrait

Índio com Arco e Flecha

by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (20th century)
bow and arrow weapon portrait indigenous people

O Ipiranga, 1854

by Alípio Dutra (1910s)

Partida de Porto Feliz

by Oscar Pereira da Silva (20th century)
church building landscape watercraft slavery negro

Retrato do Barão de Pindamonhangaba

by anonymous (21st century)

Retrato de Wilhelm Ludwig Von Eschwege (Barão Guilherme de Eschwege)

by Bernhard Wiegandt (20th century)
paper man black hair moustache Costeleta coat shirt necktie insignia ring table clock compass book portrait Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege

B.P. de Vasconcelos - Álbum M. A. B. A. D. - Prancha N.8

painting / watercolor painting
by Miguelzinho Dutra (1838)
man drawing

Cabeça de Mulher - Estudo

by Décio Villares (July 1900)
woman portrait

Retrato de Francisca Miquelina P. do Amaral (Viscondessa de Indaiatuba)

by François-Auguste Biard (20th century)
earring old age white hair veil cockade portrait

Retrato de Dom Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal

by José Simeão de Oliveira (21st century)
Pedro II of Brazil portrait man White Brazilian moustache black hair military uniform coat mantle shirt decoration sash feather brooch crown table pillow Category:Feathers

Largo do Ouvidor, 1858

by Henrique Manzo (21st century)
20th century house lamp tree man folk costume coat sidewalk costume accessory hat Rua Brigadeiro Tobias streetlight

Negro com Chapéu Tocando Violão

by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (20th century)
hat man classical guitar portrait

Retrato de Dom Pedro I

by Benedito Calixto (1902)
church building man folk costume coat sidewalk shirt necklace button insignia medal black hair moustache Costeleta 20th century plant house portrait

Partida da Monção (Estudo)

by José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior (1890s)
Bandeirantes river boat priest man child woman baby landscape Monção departing

Negro com Chapéu e Papagaio

by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (20th century)
negro man Blue-fronted Amazon hat portrait

Bananal, 1827

by José Canella Filho (21st century)
Bananal 1827

Retrato do Marechal Daniel Pedro Muller

by Elisa (1905)
portrait man portrait at bust length White Brazilian blond sideburns coat necktie shirt

A Conversão de São Paulo a Caminho de Damasco

by José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior (1888)
horse Paul

Cidade de Areias, 1827

by José Canella Filho (1941)
fence 20th century church building house plant tree mountain

Retrato do Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves

by Carlo De Servi (1913)
Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves man white hair chair portrait

Retrato do Brigadeiro Raphael Tobias de Aguiar

by Maximiliano Scholze (20th century)
man white hair military uniform coat sidewalk glove insignia epaulette belt medal sword furniture table tablecloth portrait