instance of: painting / collection: Museu Paulista collection / genre: history painting / artist: Henrique Manzo

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30 artworks found

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based on: Paredão de Piques, Ladeiras da Consolação e da Rua da Palha, 1862 (1)

depicts: man (14) | house (12) | landscape (12) | plant (10) | horse (8) | hat (8) | tree (7) | shirt (7) | coffea (7) | plantation (7) | folk costume (7) | mountain (6) | building (6) | street (6) | portrait (6) | sidewalk (6) | costume accessory (6) | 20th century (5)

material used: oil paint (30)

location: Museu Paulista (30)

country of origin: Brazil (30)

Fazenda Santo Antonio, 1870

by Henrique Manzo
tree house building hoe man church building mountain landscape worker

Fazenda Monte Alegre - Piracicaba, 1850

by Henrique Manzo
Bovinae coffea house building mountain landscape plantation Bovini plant

Fazenda Soledade - Campinas, 1850

by Henrique Manzo
costume accessory man triumphal arch coffea sidewalk shirt helmet coat house hat child arrow folk costume landscape plantation Bovini stream shoe plant


by Henrique Manzo
water wood mode of transport Passarola

Esquema da Passarola

by Henrique Manzo
ring barge rope Passarola candle steering wheel

Fazenda Ibicaba - Limeira, 1845

by Henrique Manzo (1943)
tree street house landscape cattle plant Fazenda Ibicaba

Rua das Flores

by Henrique Manzo
nest horse basket woman man fruit window 20th century stone

Convento da Luz, 1860

by Henrique Manzo
convent 1860 Church and Convent of Our Lady of Light São Paulo

Capela de Nossa Senhora do Belém

by Henrique Manzo (1938)
chapel cross tree

Retrato do Padre José de Anchieta

by Henrique Manzo
Bible white hair man old age book laurel branch portrait

Fazenda Ibicaba, Limeira, 1876

by Henrique Manzo
costume accessory man boat sidewalk shirt house horse hat building folk costume landscape river plant Fazenda Ibicaba

Retrato do Padre Ângelo Siqueira

by Henrique Manzo
man cassock black hair walking stick curtain crucifix folk costume book table furniture portrait

Pedra Fundamental do Museu Paulista, 1882

by Henrique Manzo
Museu Paulista horse flag of Brazil tree 1882

Retrato do Barão Geraldo de Rezende

by Henrique Manzo (1945)
man beard moustache portrait at bust length black hair cameo shirt Costeleta necktie coat portrait

Igreja da Boa Morte em 1860

by Henrique Manzo
house horse hat man person church building 20th century stone streetlight

Piques, 1860

by Henrique Manzo (1945)
Piques Obelisk Largo da Memória adult drinking fountain dog sidewalk house horse child person fountain mode of transport monument 20th century streetlight street balcony

Retrato do Dr. Fernando de Bragança

by Henrique Manzo
white hair medal

Engenho da Cachoeira - Campinas, 1839

by Henrique Manzo (1943)
coffea street reed bed house building landscape plantation stream

Velha Fazenda Paulista - Sítio dos Alferes, 1835

by Henrique Manzo
coffea house building mountain landscape plantation plant

Cafezal - Campinas, 1830

by Henrique Manzo
coffea street mountain landscape plantation

Cafezal da Fazenda Ibicaba, 1850

by Henrique Manzo
coffea lake mountain landscape plantation plant

Tropeiro Paulista e Pedinchão de Esmolas

by Henrique Manzo
costume accessory man shepherd's crook boot sidewalk shirt horse hat vest folk costume mountain landscape poncho saddle plant

Panorama de São Paulo, 1870

by Henrique Manzo
man tree street house horse hat child family umbrella church building locomotive landscape plant São Paulo

Igreja de São Romão em Toledo

by Henrique Manzo (1936)
sidewalk cross building woman flower church building window 20th century door street awning tower balcony dress veil

Retrato do General Jacinto Inácio Pinto Rabelo

by Henrique Manzo
man moustache black hair eyeglasses portrait military uniform

Retrato de Augusto de Saint Hilaire

by Henrique Manzo
costume accessory necklace tree button brooch white hair shirt coat hat man old age folk costume handkerchief paper portrait

Fazenda Sete Quedas

by Henrique Manzo (1944)
animal art house fence landscape plantation plant

Bispo Castello Branco distribuindo mudas de café em sua Propriedade, 1870

by Henrique Manzo (1944)
costume accessory man tree cassock boot shorts shirt helmet horse hat folk costume coffea shoe plant

Fazenda Santa Genebra (Família Barão Geraldo Rezende)

by Henrique Manzo
costume accessory necklace woman man bermuda shorts sidewalk shirt house hat belt child necktie parasol folk costume furniture 20th century coat streetlight lace shoe dress chair

Retrato do Dr. Affonso D'Escragnolle Taunay

by Henrique Manzo (1979)
Afonso d'Escragnolle Taunay Museu Paulista portrait