instance of: painting / location: Bordeaux Beaux-arts museum / genre: three-quarter portait / depicts: sitting

Current filter – instance of: painting [remove filter] location: Bordeaux Beaux-arts museum [remove filter] genre: three-quarter portait [remove filter] depicts: sitting [remove filter]

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6 artworks found

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artist: Marianne Loir (1) | Lavinia Fontana (1) | Alexander Roslin (1) | Pierre Mignard (1) | Pierre Lacour the Elder (1) | Pedro de Moya (1)

material used: oil paint (6) | canvas (5) | wood (1)

Portrait of a Sitting Man Leafing Through a Book

by Lavinia Fontana (1577s)
man sitting magistrate book inkwell hourglass collar lace

Portrait of the Duke of Orleans

by Pierre Mignard (17th century)
Philippe, Duke of Orléans man sitting


by Alexander Roslin (18th century)
Flora woman sitting toplessness wreath landscape crown flower nudity breast

The Artist Painting a Family Portrait

by Pierre Lacour the Elder (1798)
painting man painter Joseph-Marie Vien sitting easel palette furniture Pierre Lacour the Elder headscarf studio foulard

Portrait of Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise du Châtelet

by Marianne Loir (18th century)
Émilie du Châtelet woman sitting book measuring instrument armillary sphere sphere


by Pedro de Moya (17th century)
Pedro de Moya painter sitting painting palette studio art of painting