part of: Álbum: Voyage Pittoresque dans le Brésil / depicts: peddling

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10 artworks found

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instance of: print (10)

genre: genre painting (10) | landscape art (1)

artist: Jean-Baptiste Debret (10) | Thierry Frères (10) | Pauline de Portes (1)

material used: paper (10)

collection: Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection (10) | Fundação Estudar collection (10) | Brasiliana Iconográfica (10)

country of origin: France (10)

fabrication method: lithography (10)

Nègres, vendeurs de charbon

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
Figura humana work peddling

Négresses marchandes d´angou

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
work Figura humana peddling

Marchand de sambouras

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
work Figura humana peddling

Vendeur d´herbe de ruda

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1839)
work Figura humana peddling

Negresses libres, vivant de leur travail

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
work Figura humana peddling

Vendeurs de lait et de capim

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
Figura humana work peddling

Marchand de sestes, Paniers qui se portent sur la tête

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
work Figura humana peddling

Maison a louer, cheval et chèvre a vendre

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
work Figura humana peddling

Transport d´une voiture démontée

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
Rio de Janeiro Figura humana landscape urban landscape peddling

Marchand de fleurs, a la porte d´une église

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1839)
Figura humana peddling