part of: Álbum: Voyage Pittoresque dans le Brésil

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148 artworks found

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instance of: print (148)

genre: genre painting (59) | landscape art (31) | history painting (11)

artist: Jean-Baptiste Debret (140) | Thierry Frères (99) | Pauline de Portes (23) | Johann Moritz Rugendas (4) | Engelmann & Cie (4) | Isidore Laurent Deroy (3) | Charles Walter Stetson (3) | Alexis-Victor Joly (1)

depicts: Figura humana (89) | scientific illustration (53) | ethnography (39) | landscape (31) | work (29) | Rio de Janeiro (25) | slavery (23) | botany (21) | architecture (16) | urban landscape (15) | natural landscape (10) | peddling (10) | panorama (9) | None (9) | portrait (8) | literary character (8) | travel (4) | Aclamação (4)

material used: paper (148)

collection: Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection (148) | Fundação Estudar collection (148) | Brasiliana Iconográfica (148)

country of origin: France (148)

fabrication method: lithography (148)

Plans et élévations de deux grandes maisons, l´une de ville et l´autre de campagne

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1839)

Sauvages gouaranis civilisés, riches cultivateurs de vignes

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1834)
Figura humana scientific illustration ethnography

Femmes gouaranis civilisées allant a la messe le dimanche

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1834)
Figura humana scientific illustration ethnography

Végétation des forêts vierges

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1834)
scientific illustration botany

Boutique de boulanger

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
Figura humana work

Esclaves nègres, de diffèrentes nations

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1835)
Figura humana scientific illustration ethnography

Transport d´un convoi de nègres

by Isidore Laurent Deroy
Figura humana travel slavery

Suite du panorama de la baie de Rio de Janeiro

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1839)
Rio de Janeiro landscape panorama natural landscape

Végéteaux qui servent a faire des liens

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1834)
scientific illustration botany ethnography

Aldea de Cabocles à Canta-Gallo

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1834)
Rio de Janeiro Figura humana scientific illustration ethnography

Cocotier barrigudo (ventrû)

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1834)
scientific illustration botany zoology ethnography

Costume des dames du Palais

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1839)
Figura humana

Les étrennes de noël

by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1839)
work Figura humana None