exhibition history: Salon of 1837 / collection: Museum of the History of France / material used: oil paint / artist: Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond

Current filter – exhibition history: Salon of 1837 [remove filter] collection: Museum of the History of France [remove filter] material used: oil paint [remove filter] artist: Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

genre: history painting (1)

depicts: city (1) | mountain (1) | Tortosa (1) | infantry (1) | fortification (1) | cannon (1) | trench warfare (1) | general staff (1) | major trauma (1)

Reddition de Tortosa, 2 janvier 1811

by Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond (1837)
major trauma cannon general staff fortification trench warfare infantry mountain Tortosa city