exhibition history: Velázquez / artist: Diego Velázquez / location of final assembly: Seville / depicts: musician

Current filter – exhibition history: Velázquez [remove filter] artist: Diego Velázquez [remove filter] location of final assembly: Seville [remove filter] depicts: musician [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

owned by: Berlin State Museums (1) | Aureliano de Beruete (1) | Berlin Museum (1)

movement: Baroque (1)

genre: genre art (1)

material used: oil paint (1) | canvas (1)

collection: Gemäldegalerie (1)

location: Gemäldegalerie (1)

Three Musicians

by Diego Velázquez (1618)
musician boy man human musical instrument laughter harp wine glass smile monkey Pyrus tavern inn table bread napkin cheese knife