exhibition history: La Galerie du temps / collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre

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12 artworks found

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instance of: painting (12)

owned by: Louvre Museum (2) | France (1) | Louis XIV of France (1)

movement: Romanticism (1)

genre: portrait (3) | religious art (2) | nude (1) | still life (1) | landscape art (1) | portrait at bust length (1) | history painting (1) | allegory (1) | mythological painting (1) | three-quarter portait (1) | full-frontal portrait (1) | full-length portrait (1)

based on: July Revolution (1) | Magdalene in Meditation (1)

artist: anonymous (2) | El Greco (1) | Francisco Goya (1) | Peter Paul Rubens (1) | Eugène Delacroix (1) | Claude Lorrain (1) | Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1) | Carlo Crivelli (1) | Domenico Fetti (1) | Hans Maler zu Schwaz (1) | Fra Galgario (1)

depicts: man (3) | dog (1) | woman (1) | city (1) | sky (1) | book (1) | day (1) | Venice (1) | monkey (1) | liberty (1) | Notre-Dame de Paris (1) | column (1) | Camelus (1) | cloud (1) | civil war (1) | nudity (1) | ford (1) | embroidery (1)

material used: oil paint (10) | canvas (8) | poplar wood (2) | canvas (2) | gold (1) | tempera (1) | panel (1)

location: Louvre Palace (3) | in Painting's depot of the Musée du Louvre or in temporary movement (3) | Louvre-Lens (2) | Room 700 (1) | Piazzetta (1) | Room 717 (1)

country of origin: Spain (1) | France (1)

main subject: Anton Fugger (1)

location of final assembly: Paris (1)

Saint Francis of Assisi

by anonymous (1235s)
Francis of Assisi book Order of Friars Minor stigmata

Landscape with Paris and Oenone called Le Gué

by Claude Lorrain (1648)
column conversation watercourse ford Oenone Paris landscape cow

Liberty Leading the People

by Eugène Delacroix (1830)
riot civil war liberty people barricade Notre-Dame de Paris multi-storey urban building île de la Cité Marianne dress phrygian cap tricolour flag of France rifle bayonet walking cadaver nudity pubic hair military personnel military uniform cuirass gaiters epaulette street child day pistol vest dress shirt trousers man worker top hat blunderbuss beard brown hair briquet banderole headscarf smoke crowd sky

Ixion, king of the Lapiths, deceived by Juno, who he wished to seduce

by Peter Paul Rubens (1615)
conspiracy Ixion Juno cloud peacock putto Zeus

Portrait of Antonio de Covarrubias

by El Greco (1595)
man canon

Reception of a Venetian Delegation in Damascus in 1511

by anonymous (1578s)
embassy Western Asia Camelus caravan Cervus elaphus garden mosque city gate monkey Venice city

Portrait of Anton Fugger

by Hans Maler zu Schwaz (16th century)
Anton Fugger

Saint James of the Marches

by Carlo Crivelli (1477)
James of the Marches

Mariana Waldstein, Ninth Marquesa de Santa Cruz

by Francisco Goya (1797s)
woman hand fan Marie-Anne Waldstein

Reading the Bible.

by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1755)

Portrait of a Man

by Fra Galgario (1710s)
balustrade embroidery broad-leaved tree man wig cravat bathrobe


by Domenico Fetti (18th century)
melancholia dog fidelity meditation