exhibition history: The Moon: From real travel to imaginary journeys / fabrication method: bas-relief / collection: Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre

Current filter – exhibition history: The Moon: From real travel to imaginary journeys [remove filter] fabrication method: bas-relief [remove filter] collection: Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: archaeological artifact (1) | kudurru (1) | sculpture (1) | item of collection or exhibition (1)

depicts: Moon (1) | star (1) | Sun (1) | scorpion (1) | Ishtar (1) | Sin (1) | Shamash (1)

material used: limestone (1)

location: Room 227 (1)

Nazimaruttaš kudurru stone

kudurru / sculpture / item of collection or exhibition / archaeological artifact
(-11th century)
Shamash Sin Ishtar star Sun Moon scorpion