main subject: hunting / location: Mauritshuis / depicts: tablecloth

Current filter – main subject: hunting [remove filter] location: Mauritshuis [remove filter] depicts: tablecloth [remove filter]

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2 artworks found

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instance of: painting (2)

movement: Flemish Baroque painting (2)

genre: still life (2) | genre art (1)

artist: Frans Snyders (2) | anonymous (1)

material used: oil paint (2) | canvas (2)

Still Life with a Dead Stag

by Frans Snyders (1650)
game deer pig lobster plate table tablecloth globe artichoke basket fruit asparagus grape plum peach wall window parrot house cat Daguet hanging

Still Life with Huntsman

by Frans Snyders (1614)
game hunter blowing horn hare hanging bird Sus scrofa basket grape fruit vegetable Asparagus officinalis Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Cynara scolymus house cat table wall window sky cloud tablecloth