Still life in a stable (Q17330805)

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genre: still life (Q170571)
artist: Hendrik Potuyl (Q17505753)
collection: Rijksmuseum (Q190804)
location: Rijksmuseum (Q190804)
material used: canvas (Q12321255) oil paint (Q296955)
depicts: cowshed (Q681337) ladder (Q168639) bench (Q204776) barrel (Q10289) basket (Q201097) cauldron (Q1317634) platter (Q3391771) crock (Q3399907) straw (Q160066) red cabbage (Q263203) dog (Q144) napkin (Q848532) bread (Q7802) knife (Q32489) pitcher (Q132397) plate (Q57216) spoon (Q81895) pipe (Q104526)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
RKDimages ID: 14264

catalog URL:

information from the Rijksmuseum catalog

keywords stall, stable still life of related objects

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