The Garden and Coach House of 524 Keizersgracht in Amsterdam (Q17334929)

Label from: English (en)

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genre: architectural painting (Q18353841)
artist: Hendrik Keun (Q2124298)
collection: Rijksmuseum (Q190804)
location: Rijksmuseum (Q190804)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) panel (Q106857709)
depicts: Kerkstraat (Q2368125)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
RKDimages ID: 3688

catalog URL:

information from the Rijksmuseum catalog

keywords urban housing garden transverse flute - CC - out of doors piece of sculpture, reproduction of a piece of sculpture (story of) Hercules (Heracles) (story of) Ceres (Demeter)

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