Portrait of a Monk in a Garland of Flowers (Q18822269)

Label from: English (en)

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genre: portrait (Q134307)
artist: Hieronymus Galle the Elder (Q5753303)
collection: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux (Q954222)
location: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux (Q954222)
owned by: Henry de Lacaze (Q3022585)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) canvas (Q12321255)
depicts: man (Q8441) monk (Q733786) flower (Q506) Rosa (Q34687) Anemone (Q158286) Papaver (Q146391) rose (Q102231)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
Joconde ID: 000PE022173
RKDimages ID: 17440

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