The Dairy (Q19007723)

Label from: English (en)

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genre: genre art (Q1047337)
artist: Jean-Baptiste Greuze (Q347139)
collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
location: La Boverie (Q21511875)
owned by: French State (Q3591845)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) canvas (Q12321255)
depicts: woman (Q467) crock (Q3399907) milk (Q8495) dress (Q200539) coif (Q15978441) horse (Q726)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
Atlas ID: 22049
Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID: 20076982
Joconde ID: 000PE001360
RKDimages ID: 221896

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