Oak Tree by the Elbe in Winter (Q21993368)

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genre: landscape art (Q191163)
artist: Johan Christian Dahl (Q164735)
collection: National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (Q1132918)
location: National Gallery of Norway (Q3330707) Oslo Kunstforening (Q3441348)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) canvas (Q12321255)
exhibition history: Johan Christian Dahl 1788-1857. Jubilee Exhibition 1988 (Q25141765) The Dance of Life – The collection from antiquity to 1950 (Q11986598) Exposition Universelle of 1855 (Q1114964) The Early Years of Nasjonalgalleriet: 1837-1862 (Q113678564)
depicts: Elbe (Q1644) tree (Q10884) winter (Q1311) snow (Q7561) bird (Q5113)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)

catalog URL: http://digitaltmuseum.no/011041107123

information from the National Gallery of Norway catalog

description: Nasjonalmuseet, billedkunstsamlingene - Photographer Ivarsøy, Dag Andre

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