Madonna of Loreto (Q2427320)

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movement: High Renaissance (Q1474884)
genre: religious art (Q2864737)
artist: Raphael (Q5597)
collection: Condé Museum (Q1236032)
location: Condé Museum (Q1236032)
owned by: Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale (Q712502)
main subject: Madonna and Child (Q9309699)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) poplar panel (Q106857865)
depicts: Virgin Mary (Q345) Joseph (Q128267) pillow (Q99895) Christ Child (Q942467) Holy Family (Q618057)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
Zeri image ID: 32519
Joconde ID: 00000077327
Google Arts & Culture asset ID: PwHFGP5UEwfauA
Images d'Art artwork ID: raphael_madone-de-lorette_huile-sur-toile

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