The Deposition (Q2500226)

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movement: High Renaissance (Q1474884)
genre: religious art (Q2864737)
artist: Raphael (Q5597)
collection: Galleria Borghese (Q841506) Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
location: Galleria Borghese (Q841506) San Francesco al Prato (Q3670156)
main subject: Descent from the Cross (Q13365963)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) panel (Q106857709)
part of: Pala Baglioni (Q3428030)
depicts: Jesus (Q302) man (Q8441) Joseph of Arimathea (Q271474) Nicodemus (Q295084) John the Apostle (Q44015) Calvary (Q170516) Descent from the Cross (Q13365963) Virgin Mary (Q345) ladder (Q168639) tomb of Jesus (Q7818625) tree (Q10884) woman (Q467)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID: 07702776
Zeri image ID: 29970
RKDimages ID: 267331

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