A Landscape with the Story of Cadmus Killing the Dragon (Q28554036)

Label from: English (en)

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genre: landscape painting (Q191163)
artist: Francesco Zuccarelli (Q919093)
collection: Tate (Q430682)
location: Tate (Q430682)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) canvas (Q12321255)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
Art UK artwork ID: a-landscape-with-the-story-of-cadmus-killing-the-dragon-203049

catalog URL: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/zuccarelli-a-landscape-with-the-story-of-cadmus-killing-the-dragon-t04121

information from the Tate catalog

description: ‘A Landscape with the Story of Cadmus Killing the Dragon‘, Francesco Zuccarelli, exhibited 1765 on display at Tate Britain.

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