Meeting at the Golden Gate (Q3797739)

Label from: English (en)

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movement: Proto-Renaissance (Q979160)
genre: religious art (Q2864737)
artist: Giotto (Q7814)
collection: Scrovegni Chapel (Q963954)
location: Scrovegni Chapel (Q963954)
part of the series: Cycle of the Life of Joachim (Q21559715)
main subject: meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate (Q65214503)
material used: fresco (Q25631150)
based on: Gospel of James (Q328435)
fabrication method: fresco painting (Q134194)
depicts: Saint Anne (Q164294) Joachim (Q314700) gate (Q53060) human (Q5)
instance of: fresco (Q22669139)
Zeri image ID: 2615

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