Retrato da Baronesa de SabarĂ¡ (Q52302347)

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genre: history painting (Q742333) portrait (Q134307)
artist: Campos Ayres (Q9693099)
collection: Paulista Museum Fund Collection (Q44588581) Museu Paulista collection (Q56677470)
location: Museu Paulista (Q371803)
country of origin: Brazil (Q155)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) copper (Q753)
depicts: America's Best Dance Crew (Q467506) woman (Q467) black hair (Q1922956) braid (Q320809) dress (Q200539) glove (Q169031) earring (Q168456) necklace (Q189299) handbag (Q467505) child (Q7569) portrait (Q134307)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)
Google Arts & Culture asset ID: wgGTVPrPxylAmg

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