Portrait of the Painter Bernt Grönvold (Q54851287)

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genre: portrait (Q134307)
artist: Lovis Corinth (Q157610)
collection: "degenerate art" collection (Q111796449)
location: Kunsthalle Bremen (Q693591) "degenerate art" collection (Q111796449)
main subject: Bernt Grønvold (Q5774738)
material used: oil paint (Q296955) canvas (Q12321255)
exhibition history: Lovis Corinth 1858-1925 (Q117474830) Lovis Corinth, Retrospektive (Q117545237) Lovis Corinth und die Geburt der Moderne (Q118435300)
depicts: Bernt Grønvold (Q5774738)
instance of: painting (Q3305213)

catalog URL: http://www.zeno.org/nid/2000394901X

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