Cérémonie de sacre de D. Pedro 1er, Empereur du Brésil, à Rio de Janeiro, le 1er, Decembre 1822 (Q59873591)

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genre: history painting (Q742333)
artist: Jean-Baptiste Debret (Q281998) Thierry Frères (Q58310588)
collection: Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection (Q59247460) Fundação Estudar collection (Q59247500) Brasiliana Iconográfica (Q59831372)
country of origin: France (Q142)
material used: paper (Q11472)
fabrication method: lithography (Q133036)
part of: Álbum: Voyage Pittoresque dans le Brésil (Q58808846)
depicts: Rio de Janeiro (Q41428) coronation (Q209715) portrait (Q134307) literary character (Q3658341) architecture (Q12271)
instance of: print (Q11060274)
Brasiliana Iconográfica ID: 19684

catalog URL: https://www.brasilianaiconografica.art.br/obras/19684/ceremonie-de-sacre-de-d-pedro-1er-empereur-du-bresil-a-rio-de-janeiro-le-1er-decembre-1822

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